atlas - december Lyric

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  • atlas - december Lyric
  • atlas - december Lyric. Hi al of songlyricshouse beloved visitors. This time I'll share :"atlas - december Lyric." we really hope that you like this atlas - december Lyric.

    atlas - december Lyric

    atlas - december
    //<![CDATA[ //]]>

    Until this lie runs true
    Nothing really matters, matters Haley
    'Cause nothing seems to pique me lately
    But I'm down, back in my
    Room in a wave of blue and I'd assume
    It's 'cause I'm thinking about you

    And your words leave me cold
    So girl just take me home

    No, I know I'm no
    Good and I don't know what I'm doing here
    But I may just love you
    But when my mind goes there
    I'm left with the thought in mind that I can't bear
    That you might know me

    Your words leave me cold
    So girl just take me home

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