Di Ji Ge 100 Tian 第幾個100天 Lyric - JJ Lin Jun Jie 林俊傑

Di Ji Ge 100 Tian 第幾個100天 Lyric - JJ Lin Jun Jie 林俊傑 - Search for Millions of song lyrics HERE
Di Ji Ge 100 Tian 第幾個100天 Lyric - JJ Lin Jun Jie 林俊傑. Hi al of regomodoslinux.blogspot.com visitors. On this occasion we'll share :"Di Ji Ge 100 Tian 第幾個100天 Lyric - JJ Lin Jun Jie 林俊傑." we really hope that you like this Di Ji Ge 100 Tian 第幾個100天 Lyric - JJ Lin Jun Jie 林俊傑.

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  • Di Ji Ge 100 Tian 第幾個100天 Lyric - JJ Lin Jun Jie 林俊傑
  • Di Ji Ge 100 Tian 第幾個100天 Lyric - JJ Lin Jun Jie 林俊傑

    我 把愛鋪成藍天
    Wo Ba ai pu cheng lan tian
    I've Spread love like the bright, blue sky
    讓不安的妳 一抬頭就看得見
    Rang bu an de ni Yi tai tou jiu kan de jian
    So that you, so uneasy, Can see it every time you lift your head
    我 把心燒成火焰
    Wo Ba xin shao cheng huo yan
    I've Lit my heart like a flame
    讓怕黑的妳 擁著溫暖入眠
    Rang pa hei de ni Yong zhe wen nuan ru mian
    So that you, afraid of the dark, Can always fall asleep to its warmth
    我曉得 時間如雪 有時候會覆蓋一切
    Wo xiao de Shi jian ru xue You shi hou hui fu gai yi qie
    I know that Time is like snow, Sometimes, it covers everything
    但是真愛 一如倔強會重生的綠葉
    Dan shi zhen ai Yi ru jue jiang hui chong sheng de lu ye
    But true love Is like the stubborn green leaf, coming back to life again and again

    第幾個一百天 還是很有感覺
    Di ji ge yi bai tian Hei shi hen you gan jue
    How many "hundredth days" have we had? I'm still so in love (1)
    用眼睛去素描 妳內心的世界
    Yong yan jing qu su miao Ni nei xin de shi jie
    I use my eyes to sketch out The world inside your heart
    第幾個一百天 也像剛熱戀
    Di ji ge yi bai tian Ye xiang gang re lian
    How many "hundredth days" have we had? It's like I've just fallen for you, so passionate
    兩個人手一牽 連命運都改變
    Liang ge ren shou yi qian Lian ming yun dou gai bian
    The two of us, holding hands, Have changed even fate and destiny

    Ceng you de min gan cui ruo
    We were once fragile and sensitive
    在我的胸口 妳就躺下來別說了
    Zai wo de xiong kou Ni jiu tang xia lai bie shuo le
    In my arms, Just lay down, don't speak
    Jiang you de gu zhi chong dong
    In the future, we might be stubborn or impulsive
    我也會擁抱妳安撫著體諒妳心疼著, whoa
    Wo ye hui yong bao ni an fu zhe ti liang ni xin teng zhe, whoa
    But I'll hold you, comfort you, care for you, love and adore you, whoa

    第幾個一百天 越來越有感覺
    Di ji ge yi bai tian Yue lai yue you gan jue
    How many "hundredth days" have we had? I love you more and more
    用眼睛去素描 妳內心的世界
    Yong yan jing qu su miao Ni nei xin de shi jie
    I use my eyes to sketch out The world inside your heart
    第幾個一百天 也像剛熱戀
    Di ji ge yi bai tian Ye xiang gang re lian
    It doesn't matter how many "hundredth days" pass by, It's like I've just fallen for you, so passionate
    兩個人手一牽 連命運都改變
    Liang ge ren shou yi qian Lian ming yun dou gai bian
    The two of us, holding hands, Have changed even fate and destiny
    當守護變信念 連淚水都很甜
    Dang shou hu bian xin nian Lian lei shui dou hen tian
    When my watching over you has turned into faith and conviction, Even tears will taste so sweet

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    That was Di Ji Ge 100 Tian 第幾個100天 Lyric - JJ Lin Jun Jie 林俊傑 hopefully useful and you like it. Don't forget to visit other lyrics on this website.

    Your are reading Di Ji Ge 100 Tian 第幾個100天 Lyric - JJ Lin Jun Jie 林俊傑, url address : https://regomodoslinux.blogspot.com/2018/10/di-ji-ge-100-tian-100-lyric-jj-lin-jun.html

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