Lyric Video Ocean Grove - Stratosphere Love

Lyric Video Ocean Grove - Stratosphere Love - Search for Millions of song lyrics HERE

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  • Lyric Video Ocean Grove - Stratosphere Love
  • Lyric Video Ocean Grove - Stratosphere Love. Hello all of song lyrics visitors. On this occasion I am going to share :"Lyric Video Ocean Grove - Stratosphere Love." i really hope that you like this Lyric Video Ocean Grove - Stratosphere Love.

    Lyric Video Ocean Grove - Stratosphere Love

    Lyric And Video Ocean Grove - Stratosphere Love

    Ocean Grove - Stratosphere Love
    //<![CDATA[ //]]>

    A piece of me is slowly dying to make it through
    Secretly I pray so hard now, I bet you did too
    What, what what?

    I've been feeling all the grace that you've been throwing at my feet, it's so cold, it's so cold

    A piece of me is slowly dying to make it through
    Secretly I pray so hard now, I bet you did too

    You said it so well yourself complex, my complex
    Strokes correct, pressure placed on your hips
    You said it so well yourself complex, my complex
    The morning cities on the back of our necks

    Are you with it now?
    Can you see the pleasure in it now?
    Are you with it now?
    Can you see the pleasure in it now?

    Say you're with it, say say you're with it
    Say you're with it, say say you're with it
    Say you're with it, say say you're with it

    A piece of me is slowly dying to make it through
    Secretly I pray so hard now, I bet you did too

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