一事無成 TVB Nothing Lyric - Pakho Chau 周柏豪 & Stephanie Cheng 周柏豪. Happy a nice day all of regomodoslinux.blogspot.com beloved visitors. This time we'll share :"一事無成 TVB Nothing Lyric - Pakho Chau 周柏豪 & Stephanie Cheng 周柏豪." hopefully you like this 一事無成 TVB Nothing Lyric - Pakho Chau 周柏豪 & Stephanie Cheng 周柏豪.

或許這故事 亦是誰共你的故事吧
waak heui je gu si yik si seui gung nei dik gu si ba
maybe this story is also a story about you and someone else
*真的好想 精於某事情 好想好好的打拚
jan dik hou seung jing yu mau si ching hou seung hou hou dik da ping
really want to be knowledgeable in something really want to work really hard
可惜得到只有劣評 沒有半粒星
ho sik dak dou ji yau lyut ping mut yau bun lap sing
but have only gotten bad reviews not having half a star
真的不想 早給你定型 笑我那麼的拚命
jan dik bat seung jou kap nei ding ying siu ngo na mo dik ping ming
really do not want to fall into a pattern too soon with you laughing at me for doing my utmos
gei nin loi hou mou sing jik
these couple of years I have been without performance
dei wai mei yau yeuk sing
my position has not risen
**高峰上不成 唯盼愛情順竟
gou fung seung bat sing wai paan oi ching seun ging
I cannot get to the peak hoping my love life will be favorable
成就在平凡裡 那份溫馨**
sing jau joi ping faan leui na fan wan hing
success is found in the ordinary this piece of warmth
***我試著生性 但求父母親高興
ngo si jeuk sang sing daan kau fu mou chan gou hing
I am trying to be well-behaved only asking for my parents' happiness
假如凡事都失敗 也許得愛戀先可以得勝***
ga yu faan si dou sat baai ya heui dak oi lyun sin ho yi dak sing
if I fail at everything maybe love will first be able to win
do do do do do do do do do
jik si him sing
even if it is a dangerous win
do do do do do do
you mean everything to meI say
終於找到些緊要事情 施展天生的本領
jung yu jaau dou se gan yiu si ching si jin tin saang dik bun ling
finally found some important things using my natural skills to the maximum
可惜精於戀愛 未曾令我變精英
ho sik jing yu lyun oi mei chang ling ngo bin jing ying
but being knowledgeable in love has yet to turn me into an expert
給褒獎的都非這類型 按世界標準鑒定
kap bou jeung dik dou fei je leui ying on sai gaai diu jeun gaam ding
the ones to get applause is not this type based on the world's standard to evaluated
gam ching chung loi yu pong ji
feelings are always like the next branch
baan daai si ji jing ging
managing important matters is only proper
得不到掌聲 得到溫馨 我愛這種清靜
dak bat dou jeung seng dak dou wan hing ngo oi je jung ching jing
cannot obtain applause obtaining warmth I love this kind of quietness
為甚麼 還提我 事情未完別坐定
wai sam mo waan tai ngo si ching mei yun bit cho ding
why do you need to remind me that affairs are unfinished I cannot sit yet
***我試著生性 但求父母親高興假如凡事都失敗 也許得愛戀先可以得勝***
listen to my feelings as always listen to my feelings
dou bat syun cha ging
but it is not considered poorI want to scream go for your dreams ah ha ah ha ah ha
飛不起 個個也說我 腳又未踏實地
fei bat hei go go ya syut ngo geuk yau mei daap sat dei
cannot fly high everyone also talks about me my feet are also not firmly planted on the ground
愛上你 不過為逃避
oi seung nei bat gwo wai tou bei
falling in love with you was only in order to evade
我也告訴你 我實在是著地
ngo ya gou sou nei ngo sat joi si jeuk dei
I also have to tell you I am actually on the ground
難成大器 但我愛得起
naan sing daai hei daan ngo oi dak hei
hard to become successful but I love rising uplet's do it
*真的好想 精於某事情 好想好好的打拚可惜得到只有劣評 沒有半粒星真的不想 早給你定型 笑我那麼的拚命幾年來毫無成績地位未有躍升*
**高峰上不成 唯盼愛情順竟成就在平凡裡 那份溫馨**已試著生性 但求大眾都尊敬
yi si jeuk saang sing daan kau daai jung dou jeun ging
already trying to be well-behaved but asking for the public to respec
t竟然凡事都失敗 也許得愛戀先可以得勝
ging yin faan si dou sat baai ya heui dak oi lyun sin ho yi dak sing
still I fail at everything maybe love will first be able to win
jik sai him sing
even though it is a dangerous win
dou bat syun cha ging
but it is not considered poor
Thank you for reading this 一事無成 TVB Nothing Lyric - Pakho Chau 周柏豪 & Stephanie Cheng 周柏豪.
一事無成 TVB Nothing Lyric - Pakho Chau 周柏豪 & Stephanie Cheng 周柏豪

或許這故事 亦是誰共你的故事吧
waak heui je gu si yik si seui gung nei dik gu si ba
maybe this story is also a story about you and someone else
*真的好想 精於某事情 好想好好的打拚
jan dik hou seung jing yu mau si ching hou seung hou hou dik da ping
really want to be knowledgeable in something really want to work really hard
可惜得到只有劣評 沒有半粒星
ho sik dak dou ji yau lyut ping mut yau bun lap sing
but have only gotten bad reviews not having half a star
真的不想 早給你定型 笑我那麼的拚命
jan dik bat seung jou kap nei ding ying siu ngo na mo dik ping ming
really do not want to fall into a pattern too soon with you laughing at me for doing my utmos
gei nin loi hou mou sing jik
these couple of years I have been without performance
dei wai mei yau yeuk sing
my position has not risen
**高峰上不成 唯盼愛情順竟
gou fung seung bat sing wai paan oi ching seun ging
I cannot get to the peak hoping my love life will be favorable
成就在平凡裡 那份溫馨**
sing jau joi ping faan leui na fan wan hing
success is found in the ordinary this piece of warmth
***我試著生性 但求父母親高興
ngo si jeuk sang sing daan kau fu mou chan gou hing
I am trying to be well-behaved only asking for my parents' happiness
假如凡事都失敗 也許得愛戀先可以得勝***
ga yu faan si dou sat baai ya heui dak oi lyun sin ho yi dak sing
if I fail at everything maybe love will first be able to win
do do do do do do do do do
jik si him sing
even if it is a dangerous win
do do do do do do
you mean everything to meI say
終於找到些緊要事情 施展天生的本領
jung yu jaau dou se gan yiu si ching si jin tin saang dik bun ling
finally found some important things using my natural skills to the maximum
可惜精於戀愛 未曾令我變精英
ho sik jing yu lyun oi mei chang ling ngo bin jing ying
but being knowledgeable in love has yet to turn me into an expert
給褒獎的都非這類型 按世界標準鑒定
kap bou jeung dik dou fei je leui ying on sai gaai diu jeun gaam ding
the ones to get applause is not this type based on the world's standard to evaluated
gam ching chung loi yu pong ji
feelings are always like the next branch
baan daai si ji jing ging
managing important matters is only proper
得不到掌聲 得到溫馨 我愛這種清靜
dak bat dou jeung seng dak dou wan hing ngo oi je jung ching jing
cannot obtain applause obtaining warmth I love this kind of quietness
為甚麼 還提我 事情未完別坐定
wai sam mo waan tai ngo si ching mei yun bit cho ding
why do you need to remind me that affairs are unfinished I cannot sit yet
***我試著生性 但求父母親高興假如凡事都失敗 也許得愛戀先可以得勝***
listen to my feelings as always listen to my feelings
dou bat syun cha ging
but it is not considered poorI want to scream go for your dreams ah ha ah ha ah ha
飛不起 個個也說我 腳又未踏實地
fei bat hei go go ya syut ngo geuk yau mei daap sat dei
cannot fly high everyone also talks about me my feet are also not firmly planted on the ground
愛上你 不過為逃避
oi seung nei bat gwo wai tou bei
falling in love with you was only in order to evade
我也告訴你 我實在是著地
ngo ya gou sou nei ngo sat joi si jeuk dei
I also have to tell you I am actually on the ground
難成大器 但我愛得起
naan sing daai hei daan ngo oi dak hei
hard to become successful but I love rising uplet's do it
*真的好想 精於某事情 好想好好的打拚可惜得到只有劣評 沒有半粒星真的不想 早給你定型 笑我那麼的拚命幾年來毫無成績地位未有躍升*
**高峰上不成 唯盼愛情順竟成就在平凡裡 那份溫馨**已試著生性 但求大眾都尊敬
yi si jeuk saang sing daan kau daai jung dou jeun ging
already trying to be well-behaved but asking for the public to respec
t竟然凡事都失敗 也許得愛戀先可以得勝
ging yin faan si dou sat baai ya heui dak oi lyun sin ho yi dak sing
still I fail at everything maybe love will first be able to win
jik sai him sing
even though it is a dangerous win
dou bat syun cha ging
but it is not considered poor
You are reading: 一事無成 TVB Nothing Lyric - Pakho Chau 周柏豪 & Stephanie Cheng 周柏豪
Thank you for reading this 一事無成 TVB Nothing Lyric - Pakho Chau 周柏豪 & Stephanie Cheng 周柏豪.
That was 一事無成 TVB Nothing Lyric - Pakho Chau 周柏豪 & Stephanie Cheng 周柏豪
That was 一事無成 TVB Nothing Lyric - Pakho Chau 周柏豪 & Stephanie Cheng 周柏豪 hopefully useful and you like it. Don't forget to visit other lyrics on this website.
Your are reading 一事無成 TVB Nothing Lyric - Pakho Chau 周柏豪 & Stephanie Cheng 周柏豪, url address : https://regomodoslinux.blogspot.com/2019/01/tvb-nothing-lyric-pakho-chau-stephanie.html