Super Girl 愛無畏 Lyric - Elva Hsiao

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Super Girl 愛無畏 Lyric - Elva Hsiao. Hello all of beloved visitors. This time I'll share :"Super Girl 愛無畏 Lyric - Elva Hsiao." i really hope that you like this song lyric.

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  • Super Girl 愛無畏 Lyric - Elva Hsiao
  • Super Girl 愛無畏 Lyric - Elva Hsiao

    親愛的 Lady 來陪我鑑定
    Qing ai de Lady lai pei wo jian ding
    Yan qian de nan sheng rang wo you yi dian dian dong xin
    今天的口紅 替我說什麼
    Jin tian de kou hong ti wo shuo shen me
    Xiang yu zhong bu tong yong gan dian bie wei suo suo
    我不怕 愛很酷 想你想到出了神
    Wo bu pa ai hen ku xiang ni xiang dao chu le shen
    我不怕 他的跩 想愛驕傲的眼神
    Wo bu pa ta de zhuai xiang ai jiao ao de yan shen
    女孩們 多獨特 戀愛是我們的本能
    Nu hai men duo du te lian ai shi wo men de ben neng

    別當女神童話故事 只是偶像劇情
    Bie dang nu shen tong hua gu shi zhi shi ou xiang ju qing
    我是女人要愛就愛 This is girl power
    Wo shi nu ren yao ai jiu ai This is girl's power

    You can be a sususu susu super girl
    Sususu susu super girl
    愛無畏 I'm a super girl
    Ai wu wei I'm a super girl
    Together we can rule the world
    You can be a sususu susu super girl
    Sususu susu super girl

    愛有超能力 能心電感應
    Ai you chao neng li neng xin dian gan ying
    Yu gan na nan sheng yi bu yi bu jiu yao kao jin
    誰說好女生 就不該衝動
    Shei shuo hao nu sheng jiu bu gai chong dong
    Guang wen rou bu gou hun da re qing cai suan chao liu

    Repeat *

    Repeat **

    Repeat ***

    我抬頭挺胸 要愛就愛不要在乎
    Wo tai tou ting xiong yao ai jiu ai bu yao zai hu
    給你無條件升等 我的愛無所不能
    Gei ni wu tiao jian sheng deng wo de ai wu suo bu neng
    愛上我 你不會寂寞
    Ai shang wo ni bu hui ji mo

    Repeat ***

    愛無畏 I'm a super girl
    Ai wu wei I'm a super girl
    Together we can rule the world
    You can be a sususu susu super girl
    Sususu susu super girl

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